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Do This When The World Wants to Fu*k You

Leonid Hass


It’s so hard to accept that someone thinks radically opposite compared to you. Bad things for you are normal or even good for someone else. Someone can steal a phone and kick someone’s ass, and feel nothing special about it.

People are different, especially from other cultures. You may notice that we may find good and bad people everywhere. But at the same time, you need to determine what is good.

If we combine all possible perspectives of goodness and badness then we get a mix of black and white colours.

Photo by Eden Storom on Unsplash

It will be not good or bad. It reminds me of yin and yang. It’s like a good and a bad. All good always contains something bad, and otherwise.

You need to determine what is good exactly for you. You need to make your own rules and follow them. If you listen to everybody besides yourself then you lose the game.

Listen to your heart and brain. Be your judge and court. Do what you think is good, and don’t do bad things. Be honest with yourself!



Leonid Hass
Leonid Hass

Written by Leonid Hass

Writer. Long and Short Stories. Read a lot. Write a lot. Learn Business. Investigate Your Problems. Dream About Creating a Solution and Providing a Value!

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