Paper and pen are such simple and underrated tools. However, they can help you solve most of the problems just by spending a few minutes thinking and writing.
Millions of years of evolution I built us the most powerful processors ever. I talk about human brains. No matter how powerful Chat GPT and other technology are right now. Nothing stays even close to the human brain.
We can make big plans and implement them in our lives. Humanity created many wonderful and progressive things in just the last 100 years:
- Cars, plains, and rockets
- Computers, tablets, and smartphones
- Medical devices
- Space devices
In most cases, only one (or a few) person took part and put 80% in the result of any progress. For example, Ford automobiles were started by one person, Apple computers were started by two people, and Microsoft company started by two people. These corporations cost billions of dollars but started with a $0 and only a few people.
How is it possible?
We won’t talk today about the abilities and smartness of the greatest people in the world. But we can find something important that even you and I can use daily to rocket our brains to another level.